CLAUSE CODE: QC25a    This clause was archived as of 01/07/2016
  CLAUSE TITLE: Weld Filler Metal Control



The supplier shall submit the following: Mill certificate of the weld wire chemical analysis, identification (stamped, tagged, or equivalent) of alloy for each weld rod, and identification of manufacturer, heat lot number, size, weight, and specification material type on each container or reel/spool.


Sub-clauses for Contractors performing weld operations for JPL:

(a) Prior to usage and when required by process or filler metal specification, applicable chemical, mechanical, weldability, etc., properties must be verified through tests on each shipment or lot (heat treat) of weld rod and reel/spool.

(b) Each weld rod shall be verified to be the specified material alloy prior to use. A unique identification must be placed at the lowest level of control (i.e., wire, package, tube, etc.) to assure traceability of the 100% material alloy verification tests.

(c) Filler metals shall be stored in original sealed containers until immediately prior to use or test.