CLAUSE CODE: QC41b    This clause was archived as of 05/05/2011
  CLAUSE TITLE: No Material Review Board (MRB)


QC41b No Material Review Board (MRB)



General Requirement

·         The contractor does not have Material Review Board (MRB) on this Purchase Order/Contract.


Repair Requirement

·         The Contractor is prohibited to perform any repair(s), unless authorized in writing by the cognizant technical authority from JPL.


Rework Requirement

·         The Contractor is allowed to rework to drawing or specification requirement. In general, rework is allowed on JPL supplied material unless otherwise communicated by the cognizant technical authority from JPL.



·         Rework is defined when the nonconforming article, material or service can be made to conform to specification or drawing requirements.

·         Repair is defined when the nonconforming article, material or service can be corrected to a usable condition outside the specification or drawing requirements.